Sunday, January 26, 2020

Self Assessment Reflective Essay

Self Assessment Reflective Essay Good writing is important skill for young people, as it is a predictor of academic success, for successful career and a basic requirement for participation in civic life. (Murray 2004). Most contexts of life (school, the workplace, and the community) call for some level of writing skill, and each context makes overlapping, but not identical, demands. Proficient writers can adapt their writing flexibly to the context in which it takes place. That is why all students need to become proficient and flexible writers. Finding a good topic is one of the hardest parts of learning to write. And, unfortunately, every writer runs into it right at the beginning. Thats why it is necessary to know strategies that will always give many good topics to choose from. In all subject areas, a student needs to develop skills for getting what they know about a topic down on paper, and generating ideas or finding additional facts. He also needs skills to check whether their writing is on-topic and fulfills its purpose. Further, they need to be able to explain the writing assignment and the process they are following to effectively complete the assignment. To write a good essay a student needs to know how to organize what they have learned about any topic or assignment into a well-structured whole. In longer writing assignments, he needs to know how to create a strong, focused introduction that catches the readers interest; how to link ideas in logically connected paragraphs that contain enough supporting detail; and how to conclude with a strong ending. It is difficult to start writing an essay, for example, without a central idea and notes to support it. Often, the more detailed an outline, the easier is the writing. People frequently find that they can finish faster by writing a first draft quickly and then editing and revising this draft. In my opinion students learn to write by writing, so they need regular opportunities at school and colleges to write in all subjects. A consistent approach to the writing process in all subject areas and explicit instruction on the writing process by the subject teacher help students become better writers. Models of good writing in the subject area, and feedback that is constructive and formative, are critical to students growth as writers. The pre-writing strategies Writing is the final step of several separate acts like note-taking, identifying a central idea, outlining, drafting and editing. The first step is pre-writing that is the formulation and organization of ideas preparatory to writing. (Murray 2004) Speaking about the pre-writing strategies, I can say that pre-writing engages in activities designed to help them generate or organize ideas for the essay and very important that it improves the quality of their writing. Pre-writing activities include gathering possible information for a paper through reading or developing a visual representation of their ideas before sitting down to write. (Pattison 2006) There are many effective practices in the process of pre-writing. For me it was important to create a topic by using various methods, such as listing and brainstorming. My pre-writing activities included planning before writing, reading necessary literature, organizing pre-writing ideas, writing an outline to a topic and then plan the work in advance. I have chosen the free writing strategy. It means that I set a time limit and wrote without stopping, and when the time was up, I looked at what I had written and determined which idea seemed most significant. After that I pointed the important insights and ideas with which to work. The writing process For the writing class I chose the topic of Self assessment because this topic is interesting for me and the audience for many reasons: First of all because the self-assessment is important to define clearly the progress of personal development ; The audience is interested in psychology because it is always interesting to get acquainted with ones self-assessment to be able to avoid pitfalls of self-assessment made by others in the course of their own self-assessment; process of self-assessment is always a challengeable task, because people always attempt to conduct a self-assessment but they do not always succeed, as it is closely connected with the inadequate self-esteem or self-awareness. In the whole the writing process involves generating ideas, developing and organizing the ideas, and revising and editing them. Effective writers do all these stages for the best result, so that the writing achieves its purpose. (Murray 2004) When writing the essay I had the next goals: To write well-organized paragraphs for different subject areas, with supporting details; to demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic; to spot main ideas and support details. Writing an essay is a very private process, as it shows your own writing style, your thoughts and vision of the topic. It was very important not only to follow the topic, but also to show the right order of thoughts and material so that it flowed from one area, to follow a logical order. Each part of the essay should follow on the previous parts, and the whole body of the essay should clearly come to the conclusion. I tried in my essay to Essay writing requires to use both creative and critical thinking. Creative thinking encouraged me to broaden my ideas, while critical thinking encouraged me to narrow the focus of my ideas on the main topic of the essay. All these strategies helped me to organize my essay in the best way, so it would be interesting and understandable for the audience.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Horizontal Analyses Essay

Ratio, Vertical, and Horizontal Analyses Regina Stewart XACC/280 February 3, 2012 Jose Rodriguez Ratio, Vertical, and Horizontal Analyses A detailed examination of the tools used in financial analysis, in addition to their various functions, is provided within this paper. The current ratio and calculations on the questions are provided herein. A variety of tools are used to assess the importance of financial data. Frequently used tools of financial statement analysis consist of horizontal analysis, vertical analysis and ratio analysis. These techniques assist in the evaluation of financial statements providing information regarding the financial condition of a business. Evaluating the data of financial statements over a period of time, is considered horizontal analysis and is primarily used in intracompany comparisons with the purpose of determining an increase or decrease over a period of time. Vertical analysis expresses individual items in the financial statement in the percentage format of the base amount and is used in comparisons of both intracompany and intercompany. Vertical analysis reflects the comparative size of each category in the balance sheet along with the percentage change in the individual asset, liability, and stockholders’ equity items. Ratio analysis articulates the relationship between selected items of financial statement data and is used in all three comparison types. Ratios can be used to evaluate liquidity, profitability, and solvency in addition to providing evidences to underlying conditions that may not be obvious. Current ratio computation for Pepsico Current ratio evaluates a company’s liquidity and the ability to repay short-term debt and is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities. Pepsico current ratio for 2005 Current ratio=Current assetsCurrent liabilitiesCurrent ratio=104549406=1. 1 Pepsico current ratio for 2004 Current ratio=Current assetsCurrent liabilitiesCurrent ratio=86396752=1. 3 Analysis Depending on who is analyzing the Pepsico current ratio determines whether the analysis is favorable.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Difficulty Of Producing One Definition Of Methodology

Clough and Nutbrown (2007, p.32) discuss the difficulty of producing one definition of methodology, as every researcher will â€Å"offer slightly differing definitions according to their own training, discipline and purposes.† However, Burton, Brundrett and Jones (2014, p.6) provide a basic overview, stating that methodology â€Å"focuses upon the identification of sources of evidence and how such evidence might be gathered†. My research project will have a case study research design, which will lead to me gaining qualitative data. Qualitative data, along with the case study design, ties in with my aims the most as I am seeking to understand, in ample detail, what attitudes to learning are prevalent in Key Stage One, and also how those attitudes†¦show more content†¦My sample will include between fifty and sixty, Year One and Two, pupils who will be observed in the classroom. Additionally, my sample will also include between ten and twenty members of Key Stage One staff, who I will informally interview about their views on attitudes towards learning in Key Stage One. The data collection methods that I have opted to use for my project, have all been specifically chosen and designed to present me with the best chance of obtaining a detailed scope of data. One of my data collection methods is informal interviews, which will, hopefully, give me an accurate insight into the views of Key Stage One staff; who have experienced differing attitudes towards learning. Informal interviews are most suited to my project as Fraenkel, Wallen and Hyun (2014, p.449) discuss how informal interviews can resemble casual conversations whilst allowing the researcher to â€Å"find out what people think and how the views of one individual compare with those of another†. Another data collection method, that I have chosen, is observations of the pupils. Firstly, I will ask the teacher of the class if any of the pupils have any learning difficulties, as Hannell (2014, pp.212-215) raises the fact that learning difficulties and/or differences can have an immense effect on attitudes towards learning. If any of the pupils have got any learning difficulties/differences, this will be

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Common Vector Borne Diseases - 1313 Words

Lyme Disease Lyme disease is one of the most common vector-borne diseases in the United States that affects multiple systems of human body. It is caused by spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to the humans via the bite of an infected black-legged (deer) tick. Unlike other insects, ticks after biting, remain attached to the body for several days or weeks before it falls off by itself. The tick must be attached for 36-48 hours or more before it causes infection (CDC, 2016, pg.3). Even though any age group can be affected by this disease, highest prevalence is among children between 5 and 9 years of age (school-age) (Ricci, Carman Kyle, 2013, pg. 1291). 2. Clinical manifestations associated with condition Lyme disease can be divided into three stages. The first stage presents with a classic bull’s eye rash (5 cm in diameter with bright red borders) also known as erythema migrans. The bull’s eye rash appears the axilla, groin, or thigh area and would be visible within 4 weeks after the tick bite with a peak manifestation time of 7 days after the bite. Other symptoms include chills, fever, myalgia, fatigue and headache. The rash disappears without any treatment in 3 to 4 weeks. Antibiotic agents can help in reducing the rash and other symptoms of this stage of Lyme disease within days. Failure to administer antibiotic agents during the first stage can lead to the second stage of Lyme disease and happens within 4-10 weeks following the tick bite. The clinicalShow MoreRelatedThe Common Deadly Vector Disease1019 Words   |  5 Pages Other types of diseases have emerged in the current 21st century to make up for the Y.peteris bacteria. Deadly vector borne diseases, including malaria and dengue are those diseases that are in line with the plague. The origin of these disease spreading bacteria and viruses are still a mystery. 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