Sunday, December 8, 2019

Ethical Effective Business Communications †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Ethical Effective Business Communications. Answer: Introduction: Recently, it was brought to the attention of the company that there had been an inconsistency in the information which was being provided to the prospective clients of the company by the company agents. In order to clarify upon this issue, this memo has been drafted and in this memo, the policy changes have been highlighted, which includes the recommendations on different issues. The agents of the company have undertaken some steps, where they have published material on behalf of the company, which has not been approved. The first and foremost requirement for the agents of the company is that there is a need for getting an approval from the company for any kind of marketing material which is prepared for the advertising and the local marketing. There is also a need to ensure that ethical marketing is being undertaken by the company. Ethical marketing ensures that the customer interest in products and services are generated, a strong customer relationship and interest is built and a value for stakeholders is created by incorporating the environmental and social considerations in the products, as well as, in the promotions (Lexicon, 2017). So, not only the advertisements of the company have to be approved, they have to be compliant with the ethical marketing practices. The next recommendation for the agents is that they have to make certain that they are properly informed regarding each of the institutions, along with the courses which are delivered and their ranking status. There is also a need for the agents to represent each of the institution in a fair and equal manner. The company has to be objective and fair and the needs of the students have to be kept supreme when information related to a particular institution is being shared (Australian Government, 2017). So, it is advised to the agents of the company to prepare an unbiased data, where the details of the institutions are created on uniform basis and each and every aspect of the institutions, have been detailed. This would allow the student to easily go through the data in an unbiased manner, as none of the institutions would be presented in a better or bad light, owing to the uniformity in the data. Further, the ranking would help the student in making the decision about which institution is right for them. Another key concern for the company has been the lack of clarity in the accommodation advice (Edinburgh University Students' Association, 2017). Hence, it is recommended to the agents of the company that when the advice related to the accommodation is granted to the clients, it meets their expectations, the information is accurate and the promise is based on experience of the agent. In other words, the accommodation advice has to be based on the locality, the size of accommodation, construction quality, rent amount, furnished, government approved, safe surroundings and the local law taxes (Ahonen, 2012). There is also a need to give the transportation advice in a manner which is not only reliable but easily understandable, covering each and every point. This has to include the estimated costs, the benefits available and the concessions (Greener Journeys, 2014). This is because transportation is a key requirement for the people coming to Australia for staying, and along with finding a proper accommodation, the need for knowledge of transportation channels is also crucial. This is due to the fact that the student would have to move from the accommodation to the college, and even to other places and to make their stay in the nation smooth, it is crucial that they are imparted with all the requisite information in a proper and timely manner. The last recommendation for the agents working for the company relates to the information relating to child care services. This information has to include the childcare costs and the duration of each of these services, which would include the university breaks and the opening hours. Through the child care services, the referrals are provided to the staff families, the faculty and to the student who seek early care and education program. This information can be provided through an appointment, telephone of email (Arizona State University, 2017). Even though these are merely recommendations, it would be deemed as best practice for the agents to adopt these in their work, so that the issues which have been brought forward in the past are not repeated and uniformity is attained in the practices which are adopted by the company. References Ahonen, T. (2012). Student Accommodation Tips. Retrieved from: Arizona State University. (2017). Child Care Services. Retrieved from: Australian Government. (2017). Education agents. Retrieved from: Edinburgh University Students' Association. (2017). Looking for Accommodation. Retrieved from: Greener Journeys. (2014). The costs and benefits of concessionary bus travel for older and disabled people in Britain. Retrieved from: Lexicon. (2017). Definition of ethical marketing. Retrieved from:

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